What did you dream of being when you were a kid?
Damn, I think I always wanted to be a ninja turtle... And just cruise around fighting bad dudes all day while back flippin and eating pizza and shit.. Life was so much simpler when you were young.
What are you doing now in your life?
Trying to live the dream my friend… haha nah a lot of music at the moment honing my production skills while finishing my debut album.

What has been the best advice given to you to about surviving the entertainment industry?
Very important, yet very simple, follow up on all leads man, you never know which door will open for you.
Where do you get your fashion inspiration from?
Man I really draw upon a lot of stuff, from people out and about, to artists and a hell of lot of cool fashion blogs. (Selectism)
Describe your style to us?
Refined Street

Describe your outfit when you go out?
Really depends where I’m going but it will always be Subtle yet impressionable.
What item of clothing would you like to see brought back?
Man what hasn’t been done already? That’s a hard question, a lot designers around the world thinking the about this question right now… so lets say HYPE COLOUR T-SHIRTS!!!! Oh Yeah.
Who is a person that has been an inspiration to you?
Sorry but this can’t be restricted to one person…. My mum, my brother, my Nan, my pop…. Easy.
Who is the ultimate Spader to you?
Andre 3000 the cat just has swagger for day’s man!!!
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