What did you dream of being when you were a kid?
Ro - I was always into English and the arts (music/movies) so I always dreamed of being somewhere in the spotlight, writing and performing in some capacity, so I guess I kinda got my wish in the end haha. I liked Star Wars and Indiana Jones type ish too, so there was also that wish of being some sort of cross between Han Solo and Indiana Jones....but I was always too skinny to be a super hero.
What are you doing now in your life?
Ro - These days I juggle an insanely busy lifestyle working for the man, hosting 'The Antidote' on 2XX 98.3FM, writing for local stress press BMA, doing publicity for Transit Bar in Canberra and writing, recording and performing music with D'Opus. No wonder all my hair fell out.

What has been the best advice given to you to about surviving the entertainment world?
Ro - There's been a bunch of artists both locally and internationally that have shared their insights with D and I over the years, from Koolism to Supastition and Urthboy to Z-Trip. Even dudes like ClaudeVonStroke and The Nextmen who we've met whilst they touring offer sound advice. It always come down to just being yourself, believing in what you do and working hard. I've heard the phrase "don't give up" and a few occasions too from some idols along the way which is always nice.
Where do you get your fashion inspiration from?
Ro - I bite all my styles from The Brady Bunch...naw, I'm kinda a straight up jeans and tee type dude. Happy to mix it up with a collared shirt every now and then when it is date night though - I find winter is a better time to get a bit more fly and spruce it up with some nice jackets. Fresh sneakers are a must though, D and I have always been into our kicks and matching the footwear to the tee is a must.

Describe your style to us?
Ro - The D'Opus & Roshambo style is just straight up down to earth and approachable. We're not about to get all decked out in a shiny suit and dance around with chains flicking in our face - that's just stupid. We just like being comfortable and being ourselves - and that comes through our music too. We write about being ourselves in the environments we know and have experienced. We hope people hearing our music can identify with us and with what we are talking about and sharing.
Describe your outfit when you go out?
Ro - Well I'm out now (at work) - rocking some nice ash grey suit pants with some pointer-ass black shoes and a striped work shirt. All decked out in a Armani tie though, so you know I stay poppin' tags haha. But yeah, just comfortable you know - in summer it's cool to just rock a singlet, shorts and thongs lazing at home. I don't wanna be feeling like all ridged and cardboard though in some starched up three piece, so I keep it chill in some jeans and a fresh tee. It's always to have a few nice new tees kept on ice though for special occasions and break out something new (shouts to my man Jemist who taught me all about keeping a fresh tee on ice - dude's collection is nice).

What item of clothing would you like to see brought back?
Ro - I'm all about the Elizabethan era for real. Like a nice big fluffy curled Jacobean Ruff round the neck. Or a mad crimson velvet cravat. Anything fresh around the neck like that is ill. If they were not so damn uncomfortable, I'd rock a monocle everyday too.
Who is a person that has been an inspiration to you?
Ro - Hip-Hop wise, we definitely take a lot of inspiration from musicians on the grind like Hilltop Hoods, Koolism, Urthboy, Katalyst - people who have managed to be create a viable interest and living out of their music, on their own labels, on their own terms. That is really important for us and a real inspiration to see that it can be done.

Who is the ultimate Spader to you?
Ro - Music wise - definitely the late great J.Dilla (R.I.P.) - guy was a legend on the beats and apparently straight up the nicest most humble dude. That impresses me, being such a pioneer and still being so grounded and inspirational. Outside the scene, someone like Fred Hollows (also R.I.P.) - a guy who balanced being a real foul-mouthed Aussie larrikin, who liked a drink or two - all the while selflessly dedicating his life to helping those in need and pioneering new medical practices. Don't get me wrong there's a lot of spaders still living these days haha, but those two late greats jump to mind for me.
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