photo by: Jorge Peniche
(words from our good mate Jorge Peniche)
Last night I received a text message from my homie that read “R.I.P. Dolla”. I paused for a couple of seconds and read the line of text over and over in disbelief. I then preceded to text him back to see where he had heard this tragic news. I was hoping it was merely a sick rumor online. He directed me to the Los Angeles Times website, and on their front page I sadly found the headline that read, “Rapper Dolla is shot, killed at Beverly Center.” My jaw dropped, heart paused, and I became filled with sadness and anger.
I read the story and couldn’t believe that I was reading the account of his murder. I reflected at that very moment on the last time I saw Dolla only a few months ago. My homie Adam whose Dolla’s right-hand man invited me to a studio session at Record Plant in Hollywood, CA.
Prior to Dolla arriving I met with Adam, and he explained to me his excitement about Dolla’s new projects. Having just come off a promotional tour with him, he told me that the people were really receptive to his music and that the album set to be released soon was coming along well.
A few minutes later Dolla arrived, and we shot some photos outside the studio. He was really calm, and forward thinking which allowed me to shoot him in a different light then he had been shot before. Jokes were exchanged between Dolla and I allowing for some true candid shots. It was truly a privilege; he was focused.
After we finished shooting I asked him to record a freestyle for my site. Without any hesitation we walked across the street to a spot with more light, and the magic flowed from there.
A line from his freestyle that really caught my ear was the following:
“Looking to succeed in a good situation, get my niggas off the streets and give em’ corporate occupations.”
That line to me represents what Dolla stood for, and although my interaction with him was considerably brief I feel great sadness in hearing about his loss.
Dolla was 21, with immense potential and a whole life ahead of him that was unfortunately cut short. The world will never have the privilege of seeing the potential that lied within him.
Although as humans we are aware that death is a part of life, the fact that his life was taken from him at such a young age leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Murder is the ultimate sin, and these circumstances leave me highly confused.
Words can't describe how much he will be missed. My condolences go out to his family, friends, and fans in this time of mourning.
You will be missed homie!
- Jorge Peniche
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