What did you dream of being when you were a kid?
I dreamt of being Britney Spears haha, i loved her and wanted to be just like her. CLEARLY i was young..
What are you doing now in your life?
I have just released my first single called "Gonna Be On Top" which is the promo song for cycle five of Australia's Next Top Model its available from iTunes and you can view the clip on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOZquW2B3-4
What has been the best advice given to you to about surviving in the entertainment industry?
Oh my father could write a book on this question, he's given me a lot of advice but probably "Dont get caught in all the trappings" and "Its all about the song" and i quite like "Be nice to people on your way up! Because you'll meet them on your way down"!

Where do you get your fashion inspiration from?
I have the most random wardrobe in the world.. and its HUUUUUGE, i love shopping.. Maybe a little too much.. But i wear what i know looks good on me. Never one style.. Too boring.
Describe your style to us?
Eclectic! I dont have one style.. Why limit yourself?!
Describe your outfit when you go out?
Depends on the weather. And where im going.. And what country im in.

What item of clothing would you like to see brought back?
Definitely NOT double denim.. Thats for sure.. But id love to see the 40's and 50's dresses back in the game, i think they're lovely..
Who is a person that has been an inspiration to you?
My daddy, Mr Doug Williams =) He is a very talented man! Ive grown up watching him on stage, he's taught me everything i know, he's been successful in sustaining a career in the music industry for his entire life.. There arent many people who can say they've done that! I have immense respect for him and love him even more for giving me my voice and smooth chocolatey skin.
Who is the ultimate Spader to you?
Nacho Pop.
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